Master’s specialities (language of instruction is Russian):
- Theatre Studies;
- Art History;
- Film Studies;
- Design.
When applying to the Master’s programme, foreign nationals are interviewed on their speciality.
The competitive selection of applicants is made by the examination commission on the basis of the submitted documents and an interview, which reveals the level of proficiency in the language of instruction, educational background, motivation, ability for scientific research, compliance with the profile of the Master’s programme, the prospects of the proposed scientific research.
The Master’s degree programme provides in-depth training of a specialist, formation of knowledge, abilities and skills of scientific, pedagogical and research work. The obligatory requirement is to write a Master’s thesis (theoretical scientific research) of 60-70 pages of A4 format.
Education in the speciality “Art History” of the area “Current Art Practices” is taught in Russian. The period of study is one year. When studying in this area, the thesis is submitted in Russian.
The Commission evaluates the thesis, completed in accordance with the requirements of the Higher Attestation Commission.
Upon completion of the programme, mastery of all academic disciplines and successful defence of the Master’s thesis, graduates are awarded the degree “Master” and receive a state diploma in Russian and English.