Belarusian State Academy of Arts
Rector’s interview
With its strong focus on international importance of art, science and culture, the Belarusian State Academy of Arts (BSAA) continuously strives to establish and maintain broad long-term cooperation with higher education institution of arts both in Europe and worldwide.
The Belarusian State Academy of Arts was founded in 1945. The Academy is the only higher education institution of arts in the Republic of Belarus whose five faculties feature a unique teaching staff that not only provide students with solid academic knowledge and skills but also help them to develop their talents and to get acquainted with new trends in the fields of art, science and culture. Education at the Academy is based on the best traditions of national and foreign experience of training specialists in the relevant fields of art, as well as on an individual approach to each student in order to fully realise their creative potential.
Undergraduate, master’s degree and postgraduate students and the teaching staff of the Academy take part in scientific and creative competitions, develop and realize their ideas and concepts as well as create new projects. Mikhail Barazna, Rector of BSAA, assisted by Ekaterina Kenigsberg, Head of the International Relations Department, was the curator and head of the Pavilion of the Republic of Belarus at the 54th International Art Exhibition – la Biennale di Venezia (Project «Kodex», 2011). The artists Yury Alisevich, Dzianis Skvartsou, Viktar Piatrou, and Kanstantsin Kastsiuchenka who participated in the Project are all BSAA graduates. Mikhail Shikau, Professor of the Department of Interior and Equipment Design, was the architect of the pavilion.
Numerous graduates of the Academy are now outstanding artists who have got recognition both in Belarus and abroad. In different years, our students were awarded Grand Prix of the International Engraving Biennale “Jozep de Ribera” in Xàtiva, Spain, they were also among the participants and prize-winners in different international competitions.
Our students and lecturers benefit from the geographical position of Belarus to experience and appreciate the most significant and interesting art exhibitions, theatre performances and film premières.
As the development of a modern creative personality is now unthinkable without the knowledge of cultural diversity, the Academy is extremely interested in organizing international internships and exchange programmes for our young talented lecturers and professors, postgraduate, master’s degree and undergraduate students at foreign universities as well as invites leading foreign professors to give lectures and masterclasses. Exhibitions of modern art of various countries are regularly held at the Art Gallery of BSAA, too.
The Academy is an outstanding platform for your future career in the field of fine and decorative and applied arts, design as well as theatre, filmmaking and television. We strive to provide our students with the best academic opportunities and experience for personal development. This attracts young people from different countries. Here you can meet students from different countries of Europe, Asia and Latin America.
Our graduates are in demand and are highly sought after by regional, national and international employers. The Academy’s alumni are enterprising, employable, they are able to make a powerful contribution to society, culture and arts and have achieved significant success and gained recognition in their artistic fields in our country and abroad. A lot of them have been presented with the highest state awards, including state prizes of the Republic of Belarus, special prizes of the President of the Republic of Belarus, orders and medals, as well as awards of major international competitions and festivals in the field of fine arts, design, film, television and theatre arts.
Studying at BSAA does not imply only the diploma of the European standard. It is a privileged opportunity to be students of outstanding professors and talented lecturers, which helps to develop unique creative personalities and is a good start into a career!
Nezavisimosti Ave. 81, Office 213, 220012 Minsk
Phone: + 375 17 366 94 33
The International Relations Department of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts is a centre for information, communication and coordination on international relations and partnerships with higher education institutions as well as institutions in the spheres of science, culture and art of different countries.
The Department strives to develop, maintain and coordinate the international activity of our undergraduates, master’s degree students, postgraduates and staff, based on the desire to enhance the academic and professional knowledge and skills. The staff of the Department participate in the organization and work of national and international events, conferences and projects.
The Department also offers the advice and support international undergraduates, master’s degree students and postgraduates need while living and studying in Belarus, ensuring they gain the most from their time at BSAA.
The Department has made a significant contribution to the development of cross-cultural motivation, to the formation of transcultural social and professional competences, to the accumulation of cultural experience and to the establishment of a dialogue of cultures, to the creation of a positive international image of the Belarusian State Academy of Arts.
The location of the Academy in the heart of Europe allows it to maintain and actively develop partnerships both in the countries of the European Union and the countries of the CIS, Turkey and China. The exchange of exhibitions, scientific publications, internships for students and staff, lectures and master classes, and other international activities facilitates the growth of mobility and the integration of different cultures.

Ekaterina Kenigsberg
Head of the International Relations Department
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PhD in Art History, Associate Professor. Curator of exhibitions and international exhibition projects in Belarus and abroad, head of the creative association “Students’ Centre for Contemporary Art ‘Alla prima’” at BSAA. She studied at the Minsk State Medical Institute (now the Belarusian State Medical University) from 1982 to1986 and graduated with honours from the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (now the Minsk State Linguistic University) with a degree in German Philology in 1992. She worked as an interpreter/translator at the Institute of Radiation Medicine, from 1995 to 2010 as a coordinator of cultural programmes at the Goethe Institute in Minsk at the Embassy of the Federal Republic of Germany in the Republic of Belarus, then she worked as a senior researcher at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Minsk. In 1992, she received an advanced level certificate (C1) in German from the Goethe Institute. From 1997 to 2009, she took a number of courses in contemporary art and in working with the press and the public in Moscow, Munich and Berlin. She did internships in contemporary art in Germany: at the Centre for Contemporary Art and Media Technologies in Karlsruhe (2000), at documenta 11 in Kassel (2002), at the Fifth Berlin Biennale (2008). She has many years of extensive experience of curatorial work in international contemporary art projects. Since 2011, she has been the Head of the International Relations Department at BSAA.She is the author of over 300 publications in Belarus and abroad on contemporary Belarusian and international fine art, including the research monographs “The Exhibition Project in Contemporary Fine Art of Belarus (on the Example of Belarusian-German Exhibition Projects of the 1990s – 2010)” (2013), “Curatorial Activity in the Contemporary Fine Art of Belarus of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries” (2020), “Curatorial Strategies in the Contemporary Visual Art of the Second Half of the 20th and Early 21st Centuries” (2023), the book “The Contemporary Art of Belarus of the Late 20th – Early 21st Centuries: A Panorama of Projects and Authors’ Searches” (2020, in collaboration with M.Barazna), the textbook “Methodology for Organizing International Exhibition Projects of Contemporary Art” (2016). Furthermore, she is the author of special courses for the first and second higher education levels “Introduction to Contemporary Art”, “Contemporary Art Practices”, “Fundamentals of the Curator’s Work”, “Curatorial Project”, “Methodology for Organizing Contemporary Art Exhibition Projects”, “Working with the Press and the Public in Contemporary Art Projects”, the training programmes on “Information Technology in Art History”, “Information Technology in Art”, etc. Since 2000, she has been the curator of exhibitions and exhibition projects in Austria, Belarus, Germany, Hungary, Italy, Lithuania, the Russian Federation, Uzbekistan, Croatia, Switzerland, including international thematic exhibition projects “The Illusion of Distances” (2000), “Windows of One City” (2001-2002), “The Illusion of Time” (2004-2005), “The Stop Europe” (2006-2007), “Travel Notes. Europe” (2007-2008), “New Texts” (2017-2018). She was a guest curator from Belarus of the international exhibition project “1989-2009: The Changing World – The Captured Time. Contemporary Photography and Video Art from Russia, Ukraine, Belarus, Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Uzbekistan and Germany” (2009-2010), a guest curator of the project “Belarus: Between Europe and Europe” of the Benetton Foundation, Italy (2016). She also curated a number of BSAA foreign exhibition projects in cooperation with diplomatic missions of the Republic of Belarus abroad: “Messages”, Lithuania (2015), “City | Urbs”, Austria (2015), “On the Way. In Search of the Alphabet”, Germany (2015), “Nonverbal / Verbal”, Italy (2017), “An Ode to Joy”, Austria (2017), “Ad astra”, Poland (2017), “Augmented Reality”, Germany (2018), “The Tape of Time”, Switzerland (2019).

Liubou Kasharnaya
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Linguist, teacher, member of the International Association of Teachers of English IATEFL and TED, translator/interpreter. She graduated from the Minsk State Linguistic University, the English Language Faculty with a degree in English Philology in 1999. She has been involved in English language teaching for over 20 years and has extensive experience in teaching both adults and younger learners. Her professional interests include all aspects of teaching and learning foreign languages. In addition to teaching English, she also does translations.

Nikolai Denisyonok
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Teacher (general and technical English), translator/interpreter.He graduated from the Minsk State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages (now the Minsk State Linguistic University), the English Language Faculty with a degree in English and German Philology in 1979 and completed his postgraduate programme in General Linguistics at the Institute of Linguistics of the National Academy of Sciences. He has extensive experience in teaching and translating. His main interests in the field include the development of innovative methods and materials for the classroom. He is the author of a number of publications on linguistics and methods of teaching a foreign language, of the coursebook for architecture students “English for Architects”, and the co-author of four technical English textbooks.
Liudmila Nazarova
Application Tips
If you have decided to study at the Belarusian State Academy of Arts, you need to bring to the International Relations Department or send by mail or e-mail to the documents, the list of which depends on the level of education you have chosen:
General Higher Education (Bachelor’s Degree Programme): Theatre Faculty, Faculty of Screen Arts, Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts, Art Faculty; Continuing Education (Bachelor’s Degree Programme + Master’s Degree Programme): Art Faculty
- completed application form (can be downloaded at, or you can send a request to;
- copy of the passport with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the education document indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained in the examinations with a notarised translation into Russian;
- portfolio of creative works (in digital format);
- health certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- HIV-negative certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the birth certificate with a notarised translation into Russian.
Advanced Higher Education (Master’s Degree Programme)
- completed application form (can be downloaded at, or send a request to;
- copy of the passport with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the document of higher education indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained in the examinations with a notarised translation into Russian;
- health certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- HIV-negative certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the birth certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- letter of motivation with a translation into Russian;
- letters of recommendation with a translation into Russian;
- scientific publications (if available);
- substantiation of the proposed topic of the Master’s thesis with a translation into Russian.
Postgraduate Study
- completed application form (can be downloaded at, or you can send a request to;
- copy of the passport with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the document of higher education indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained in the examinations with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the Master’s diploma indicating the subjects studied and the grades (scores) obtained in the examinations with a notarised translation into Russian;
- health certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- HIV-negative certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- copy of the birth certificate with a notarised translation into Russian;
- letter of motivation with a translation into Russian;
- letters of recommendation with a translation into Russian;
- scientific publications;
- substantiation of the proposed topic of the PhD thesis with a translation into Russian;
- certificate of passing the candidate (PhD) examinations (if available).
The Portfolio Content
An Applicant’s Portfolio Preparation Tips
The obligatory set of documents includes the portfolio that makes it possible to assess your suitability for the chosen course.
The Portfolio Content (according to the areas of speciality):
The Art Faculty and the Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts specialities:
between 6 to 8 works in total in:
- drawing;
- painting;
- composition.
The Theatre Faculty specialities:
Acting Technique
- videos showing the applicant’s makings of an actor and abilities to master the profession of an actor:
- stage voice and speech technique (a fable, a poem, a passage of prose no longer than 3 minutes, a monologue from a play);
- vocals (a vocal number set to music or without music);
- stage movement technique (a dance number or a plastic exercise);
- acting technique (a drama sketch).
Theatre Directing
- videos of a play (concert), clips (no longer than 3 minutes) showing the applicant’s abilities for artistic and figurative thinking and for the director’s vision of a scenic work, a script (translated into Russian);
- videos showing the applicant’s makings of an actor:
- stage voice and speech technique (a fable, a poem, a passage of prose no longer than 3 minutes, a monologue from a play);
- vocals (a vocal number set to music or without music);
- stage movement technique (a dance number or a plastic exercise);
- videos showing the applicant’s creative interests and gifts:
- a walk-on drama sketch based on the applicant’s experience; involvement of other performers is possible.
The Faculty of Screen Arts specialities:
Directing (Film and TV)
- videos of a play (concert), clips, films (no longer than 3 minutes), photographs showing the director’s vision, a script (translated into Russian).
Cinematography (Film and TV)
- photographs (still life, psychological portrait, landscape, reportage and genre photographs), no more than 20 works.
Art History areas of speciality (Art Faculty, Theatre Faculty, and Faculty of Screen Arts):
- a review of or an essay on films, plays or fine arts works (depending on the area of speciality) translated into Russian.
After Reviewing the Documents
After reviewing the documents and in case of a favourable decision, you will be sent an invitation to obtain a student visa at the consular office of the Republic of Belarus at your place of residence (if the visa is required).
We recommend that you inform the International Relations Department in advance of your arrival date by emailing
Within 2 days after your arrival in Belarus, submit to the International Relations Department the originals of the previously provided copies of the documents, as well as:
- passport with an entry visa to the Republic of Belarus and its copy with a notarised translation into Russian;
- 8 photographs (3×4 mm).
Upon arrival, you are also required to:
- have an interview;
- sign a contract for education;
- pay the tuition fee. Payment is made immediately for the whole academic year in US dollars at the exchange rate of the National Bank of the Republic of Belarus;
- pay for accommodation in the hall of residence;
- pay the state registration fee;
- buy a compulsory medical insurance policy;
- obtain temporary residence in the Republic of Belarus;
- have a medical examination at the student polyclinic No. 33 (45, Bld. 4, Surganova St.) before the start of the course.
The contract for education and the receipt of tuition fee payment are the basis for the Rector to sign the order on your admission to the Academy.
Step-by-Step Instructions for Admission to BSAA Master’s
and Postgraduate Programmes
and Postgraduate Programmes
Step 1. Submission of the documents.
Step 2. Review of the documents.
The commission studies the documents of applicants, forms a rating. Justification of the research is evaluated for compliance with the chosen speciality. The applicants with a high score of educational documents, high motivation and research topics corresponding to the current directions of scientific research of BSAA are admitted to the interview.
Step 3. Interview.
On the basis of the formed rating, the date of the interview is appointed. At the interview the commission reveals the scientific abilities of the applicant, the degree of his/her mastery of the research material, understanding of the requirements for scientific research, the level of proficiency in the language of instruction.
For admission to postgraduate programmes, there will be written entrance tests in Russian (general level of proficiency and command of scientific vocabulary).
Applicants to programmes of study in Russian require the C1 level of Russian.
For applicants to Master’s degree programmes in English, knowledge of English at the C1 level is required.
Step 4. Formation of the list of applicants recommended for admission.
On the basis of steps 1 – 3 the list of applicants recommended for admission is formed. In the case of the same number of points, applicants with the most relevant research topics are favoured.
Step 5. Written notification of applicants about the results of the interview and recommendation for admission.
Step 6. Conclusion of the contract on education.
Step 7. Payment of tuition fees.
Step 8. Issuance of the enrolment order.
Tuition Fees for International Students
Preparatory Department
- full-time education – $3.150 per 1 academic year;
- part-time / distance learning – $2.500 per 1 academic year;
- Russian language course (510 hours) – $1.500.
Bachelor’s Degree and Continuing Education Programmes
- Faculty of Screen Arts, Theatre Faculty, Art Faculty – $5.650 per 1 academic year;
- Faculty of Design and Decorative and Applied Arts – $5.500 per 1 academic year;
- part-time education – $3.700 per 1 academic year.
Master’s Programmes (full-time, 1 year of study)
- full-time education (training in Russian) – $5.550;
- full-time education (with an integrated intensive course in Russian) – $6.000;
- full-time education (training in English) – $6.000;
- full-time education (training in Russian with support in Chinese) – $6.620;
- part-time education – $4.500.
Postgraduate Study
- full-time education -$5.100 per 1 academic year;
- part-time education – $4.500 per 1 academic year;
- candidacy for the PhD degree – $4.700 per 1 academic year.
- after graduation from the master’s programme – $150 per month;
- аfter completing postgraduate studies – $250 per month;
- for PRC university professors – $350 per month.
Training and taking candidate (PhD) examinations and tests
- Russian (140 hours) – $1.500;
- Philosophy (104 hours) – $800;
- Information Technology (80 hours) – $600.
Taking candidate (PhD) examinations and tests without mastering the educational programme
- Russian as a foreign language – $500;
- Philosophy and Methodology of Science – $500;
- Fundamentals of Information Technology – $300;
- Professional vocabulary of the Russian language for those studying at postgraduate level (90 hours) – $750;
- Russian as a Foreign Language (16 hours) – $100;
- Intensive course of the Russian language (40 hours) – $200;
- Course on special disciplines “Piano”, “Academic Singing” (elective) (individual lesson) – $30 per 1 academic hour;
- Course on special art disciplines “Sculpture”, “Drawing”, “Painting”, “Graphic Arts” (elective) (group lesson) – $25 per 2 academic hours;
- Course on special disciplines “Classical Ballet”, “Stage Movement” (elective) (group lesson) – $26 per 2 academic hours.
General Higher Education (Bachelor’s Degree) Specialities
Period of study: 4 years
Speciality code | Speciality name | Degree name | Qualification name |
6-05-0211-01 | Directing for Audiovisual Production | Bachelor’s degree | Director. Teacher |
6-05-0211-02 | Cinematography | Bachelor’s degree | Director of Photography (Film) / Camera Operator (TV). Teacher |
6-05-0211-03 | Film and Television Studies | Bachelor’s degree | Film and Television Historian / Critic. Producer |
6-05-0211-04 | Sound Design | Bachelor’s degree | Sound Designer. Teacher |
6-05-0211-05 | Graphic and Multimedia Design | Bachelor’s degree | Designer |
6-05-0212-01 | Costume and Textile Design | Bachelor’s degree | Designer |
6-05-0212-02 | Design of the Built Environment | Bachelor’s degree | Designer |
6-05-0212-03 | Industrial Product Design | Bachelor’s degree | Designer |
6-05-0213-01 | Art History | Bachelor’s degree | Art Historian. Teacher |
6-05-0213-02 | Decorative and Applied Arts | Bachelor’s degree | Artist. Teacher |
6-05-0215-05 | Theatre Directing | Bachelor’s degree | Director. Teacher |
6-05-0215-06 | Acting | Bachelor’s degree | Actor |
6-05-0215-07 | Theatre Studies | Bachelor’s degree | Theatre Historian / Critic. Producer |
Specialist Higher Education Specialities (Continuing Education Programme)
Period of study: 6 years
Speciality code | Speciality name | Degree name |
7-07-0213-01 | Painting | MA in Painting |
7-07-0213-02 | Monumental and Decorative Arts | MA in Monumental and Decorative Arts |
7-07-0213-03 | Sculpture | MA in Sculpture |
7-07-0213-04 | Graphic Arts | MA in Graphic Arts |
7-07-0213-05 | Scenography | MA in Scenography |
7-07-0213-06 | Restoration and Conservation of Works of Art | MA in Restoration and Conservation |
7-07-0213-07 | Visual Concept Creation of the Screen Work (Set / Production Design) | MA in Production Design |
Advanced Higher Education (Master’s Degree) Specialities
Period of study: 1 year
Speciality code | Speciality name | Degree name |
7-06-0211-01 | Film Studies | MA in Film Studies |
7-06-0212-01 | Design | MA in Design |
7-06-0213-01 | Art History | MA in Art History |
7-06-0215-01 | Theatre Studies | MA in Thearte Studies |